Getting a sore throat is usually due to bacterial or viral infection, but other causes can be cold weather, irritation, too many cold drinks, smoking, as well as allergies, dry air, or straining your vocal chords.
Viral infections can last several days, while bacterial infections can last longer and develop into more serious complications. These types of infections which cause sore throats are usually cured with antibiotics, which must be prescribed by your doctor.
But for less severe sore throats of the sort caused by cold weather, strain, or allergies, there are a number of holistic home remedies prescribed by traditional medicine.

Home Remedies For Sore Throat

1. Lemon

In the beginning stages of sore throat or chest pains, traditional healers advise keeping two peeled lemon slices in your mouth as close as possible to the tonsils. When the lemon is soft, you can swallow it. Repeat this process again after a half hour.

2. Gargling

Take a glass of freshly squeezed beetroot and pour a teaspoon of crushed garlic into it. Add a glass of boiled and cooled water and let stand for six hours. Mix this concoction every half an hour. Strain and gargle multiple times per day.

3. Raspberry-Leave Tea

Prepare a cup of boiling water, and add some dried raspberry leaves. After 10 minutes, strain the tea and gargle after the tea has cooled from hot to warm. You can also drink the tea if you have a fever to relieve your symptoms.

4. Milk & Honey

If your sore throat is due to irritation, you can soothe the inflamed mucous membranes of the throat by mixing hot (but not boiling) milk with one tablespoon of honey. Dissolve the honey into the milk and drink a little bit at a time slowly. Repeat every so often until your throat feels better.

5. Apple Cider

Apple cider can be used as a natural remedy for sore throat. When the initial symptoms of sore throat appear, try gargling with undiluted apple vinegar. For prolonged use, dilute it with water in a 1: 5 ratio. Do not swallow.

6. A Respiratory Remedy From The Russkis

In Russian folk medicine, horseradish is widely used as a remedy for respiratory disease. Combine one teaspoon of freshly grated horseradish root and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water. Stir well and imbibe slowly.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric is a powerful remedy for sore throats because it cleans, removes toxins, and helps prevent swelling. Combine 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric and a pinch of salt in half a pint of warm water. Gargle 2-3 times a day to relieve symptoms.
A sore throat may be followed by a runny nose, flu and shortness of breath. Proper breathwork can help treat breathing difficulties to a great extent. SOMA Breath offers transformational breath therapy backed by science and proven to use oxygen more efficiently to promote mental & physical resilience. Instructors and aspiring facilitators can also take the breathwork facilitator training and become certified to train their clients on therapeutic breathing techniques.