
Anxiety seems to be rising more and more as society turns inwardly on itself, is beleaguered by debt, and stressed by a system which seems to increasingly favor some people over others.

For those wrestling with anxiety, the Gingko bilboa herb may help you find some relief naturally without taking addictive and harmful anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medication.

Why Ginkgo?

Chronic anxiety is one of those ailments which can lead to a variety of other chronic health conditions. It’s one of the most prolific mental health problems in the United States, with recent National Institute of Mental Health surveys indicating that around 18% of adults suffer from anxiety disorders.

Unlike anxiety which arises due to things like public speaking or rushing to beat a deadline, anxiety disorders are marked by chronic and exaggerated worry and tension. These can include common disorders such as social phobia, OCD, depression, and panic disorder.

It’s been found that taking natural remedies such as gingko, kava, passion flower, or valerian in tandem with psychotherapy can help drastically alleviate symptoms.

The science of gingko as a treatment for anxiety

While relatively few clinical trials exist which test gingko’s curative effects on people suffering from anxiety disorders, one study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research in 2007 found that gingko may benefit people suffering from generalized anxiety disorder (characterized by a constant and excessive sense of worry).

In the study, 82 people with this type of general anxiety disorder were given gingko or a placebo for a period of four weeks. The study found that people who had been treated with gingko actually showed a significantly higher improvement in anxiety symptoms compared to those who were administered the placebo.

Research with animals shows that certain compounds in gingko act as anxiolytics, substances that inhibit anxiety. A test on mice in 2003 showed that a compound called ginkgolide may have anxiolytic effects.


Ginkgo may trigger side effects including constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, forceful heartbeat, headache, & upset stomach.

Chronic anxiety may become worse if left untreated, and you should consult with a mental health professional if you are experiencing serious symptoms such as persistent nervousness, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and difficulty concentrating.

Ginkgo may alleviate some symptoms of anxiety, but fully alleviating chronic anxiety may also require lifestyle changes such as exercising, getting enough sleep, and limiting consumption of alcohol and caffeine. Some research also shows that increasing intake of omega-3 fatty acids can help lower anxiety.

Talk to your doctor about what you can do to alleviate stress and how you can incorporate gingko into your regiment.