Do you suffer from itchy, red patches of dry skin anywhere in your body? Maybe it has become inflamed and even has silver scales or plaques? This condition is known as Psoriasis and, although it manifest itself in the skin, the root cause is actually based on a deficiency in the immune system. In this article we will talk about Psoriasis and how to treat it.
Psoriasis Symptoms
- Patches of inflamed, red skin sometimes covered with silver scales. These areas are often dry, itchy, painful and might crack and bleed. Overtime they might grow and merge covering even larger areas.
- Fingernails and toenails can become irregular, loosing color and sometimes even detaching from the nail bed.
- If present in the scalp, it can lead to temporary hair loss
- Pain and swollen joints, also known as psoriatic arthritis
Psoriasis Causes
The deepest layers of the skin are constantly creating new skin cells. These new cells mature, they go up the layers until they reach the outerside, die and flake off. This process takes about 3 to 4 weeks. In people with Psoriasis however, this process takes about 3 to 7 days so many cells that aren’t fully mature accumulate on the surface. This is what creates the red patches and silver plaques.
Although it’s unclear exactly why this happens, it seems that the cells in charge of fighting unwanted visitors, start killing healthy skin cells by mistake. As a result, new skin cells are created at a faster pace than normal.
Some scientific research suggests that Psoriasis could be genetic, however just because you have the potential doesn’t mean it will develop since many factors come into play. It also doesn’t mean it cannot be treated and it’s definitely not contagious.
Although many treatments concentrate on the skin, it’s very important to look at the potential triggers of this condition. Maybe you simply need to do a few changes in your lifestyle.
Psoriasis Triggers
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Stress
- Smoking
- Injury in the skin such as a cut or a bug bite
- Hormonal changes (puberty or menopause for women)
- Medicine side effects – some anti-inflammatory medicines, ACE inhibitors (used to treat high blood pressure)
- Throat infections – Although is not commun, a streptococcal throat infection could trigger psoriasis in children and young adults
- Immune disorders such as HIV
Psoriasis Treatment
Once you identify the potential trigger in your case of Psoriasis it will be easier to create an action plan.
Here are a few tips you can try to deal with your Psoriasis:
1. Colostrum
Colostrum is a fluid that comes from the breasts of humans, cows, and other mammals moments right after giving birth, before the actual milk appears. Backed up with over 4000 studies verifying its power, Colostrum can help with any autoimmune condition, including Psoriasis.
We highly recommend trying our Colostrum. 100% pure whole colostrum, taken within the first 6 hours (essential if you want true colostrum and not transitional milk), sourced from organically raised cows, and completely free from all contaminants. You can be sure now cows or calves are harmed in the process, as they produce much more than needed.
Always be sure your getting colostrum from the first milking, within 6 hours. When the colostrum is taken from milking outside of this time frame, 12 hours, 24 hours, etc, the quality and strength greatly diminishes (as this is transitional milk not true colostrum). Also make sure that the Colostrum is NOT de-fated. Almost 50% of the goodness of colostrum is actually found in the fat.
2. Niacin Therapy (Vitamins supplements)
The skin is the largest and most visible organ in the body. It’s usually a very good indicator of health. Vitamine shortages are oftentimes reflected in skin problems. Solutions:
- Vegetable smoothies: Green juices have a ton of carbohydrates, minerals, vita
mins and protein. If it’s not already part of your diet, a LOT of green veggies and water will do wonders for you.
- Flush Niacin Pills: Niacin is an organic compound and a form of vitamine B3. Niacin deficiency can manifest itself through problems of digestion, the nervous system and skin conditions. Make sure you take Full Flush Niacin Pills. Some people claim to have witness their itchiness and the red patches disappear quite quickly. It might also be better to start with small doses and work your way up.
Buy quality full-flush (regular release) Niacin here.
3. Sauna Therapy
A great deal of studies have shown that saunas can help improve tissue and wound healing. They have also been found to aid in the alleviation of depression, chronic pain, fatigue and autoimmune diseases. Learn more about Sauna Therapy here.
4. Coconut Or Olive Oil Mixed With Turmeric
This is a great DIY recipe, very good for treating breakouts and irritated skin from Psoriasis.
Coconut and Olive oils have anti-oxidant properties that combined with the inflammatory qualities of turmeric can become a great potion for treating breakouts and irritated skin. You can also add honey (manuka honey) to make it extra powerful.
Here’s a little recipe that will turn into a paste that can be applied to the affected skin. You can leave for about 20 mins and then rinse it off with a warm cloth:
1/2 tbsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp raw manuka honey
3 tbsp extra-virgin coconut oil or olive oil
Buy the best highly bioavailable Curcumin (Turmeric) supplement here.
We hope this article has been helpful to you. Feel free to leave any comments to let us know how you’re doing.
Much Love!
Orlando – SOMA Team
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