Feeling Tired All The Time? Leaky Gut Syndrome May Be The Cause

“All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates

Feeling tired all the time

Gut health matters more than you think. And thousands of years ago, the Greek physician, Hippocrates, suspected a link between gut health and the rest of the body.

Today, new research and studies show that your gut health is linked to your mental and cognitive functioning. In other words, when you’re gut isn’t feeling too good, you may feel mentally drained and experience reduced performance.

Everything in the body is connected – including your mental and physical well-being. And surprisingly, leaky gut syndrome could be the reason you’re feeling tired all the time.

Wait – what? You read that right. Let us explain.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

The name doesn’t sound appealing. It isn’t exactly a syndrome you want – but it happens.

Leaky gut syndrome essentially means intestinal hyperpermeability. This means the wall structures and junctions in the intestines become loose. They allow for easy passage of all kinds of bacteria and substances into your bloodstream. And usually, these bacteria or cells aren’t allowed to pass through the intestinal walls. In a healthy body, they are excreted with other waste. But with leaky gut syndrome, your intestinal wall malfunctions.

Consequently, you may face widespread inflammation. You may also become more susceptible to other inflammatory or autoimmune conditions, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, migraines, and more.

And when the wrong substances pass through your gut into the bloodstream, you may feel tired and depressed.

So, what’s going on?

The Link Between Gut Health and Feeling Tired All the Time

Your stomach feels off all the time. You’re exhausted, and you’re feeling tired all the time. Generally, you just don’t feel good. Blame your gut.

When the intestinal wall becomes damaged or regular functioning is disrupted, bacteria, fungi, toxins, and viruses leak into your bloodstream. And your body’s line of defense, the immune system, is ready to respond. It detects these foreign entities. But this is where the problem with feeling tired all the time starts.

Immune cells called T-cells take note of the threat. The immature T-cells quickly develop into a more aggressive version of T-cells. And these cells cause an inflammatory response. While your body is simply doing its job to protect you, inflammation occurs throughout the body. It sets you up for a higher risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and the illnesses mentioned above.

In turn, your body also becomes ineffective at absorbing the nutrients you need, and this includes nutrients required for energy. Thus, you end up feeling tired all the time.

Basically, you lack the energy you need, and a lot of the energy you do have is going toward an aggressive immune response to fight off the foreign invaders entering your bloodstream through the gut. You have no energy left over to function optimally. As a result, you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall.

What Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leaky gut syndrome may happen from an array of reasons. Here are the top causes of leaky gut syndrome:

  • You may have a genetic predisposition that causes increased gut sensitivities or environmental triggers.
  • A poor diet may irritate the gut lining and create problems.
  • Alcohol or drugs may create a toxic environment, also aggravating the intestinal lining and creating a leaky gut.
  • When you’re stressed, chronic inflammation can happen. The body and its systems also may become overloaded from long-term stress. Ultimately, these systems – including the gut – begin to have dysfunctions.
  • Your gut microbiome is unbalanced. Your gut contains good bacteria that help the digestive process. They also support digestive structures and functions. If the balance of good and bad bacteria is disrupted, issues may arise.

How Can You Alleviate Your Leaky Gut Syndrome and Stop Feeling Tired All the Time?

Booking an appointment with your doctor can help you determine why you’re experiencing gut issues. Finding the cause is your top priority. Once the cause is found, you can tackle it via lifestyle remedies or medical intervention. In addition, here are a few pointers to help you rid yourself of a leaky gut:

  1. Avoid, eliminate, and limit foods that cause stomach pains or issues. If you notice a pattern with a particular food, stop eating it. Listening to your body can help in leaps and bounds. 
  2. Start eating more foods that are all-natural. Processed and pre-packaged food items come with chemicals and are not exactly gut-friendly compounds. If your gut is acting up, these foods probably aren’t doing you any good. Stick to more natural and whole foods, such as produce, fruits, and grains. A lot of these types of ‘good’ foods can be found at your local farmer’s market (or not in pre-packaged food items). 
  3. Eat foods that are good for gut health. Purchase foods high in probiotics. These can help rebalance your microbiome. Bone broth is another gut happy food. 
  4. Find stress management tactics, such as breathing and relaxation techniques. Find healthy ways to reduce the stress in your life. Remember, the mind and body are connected! 
  5. Exercise regularly. The body needs movement, whether we like it or not. If you aren’t moving, begin moving more. A little bit a day adds up. It promotes good health and mental clarity. Further, it gives you more energy. Although exercise alone may not heal your leaky gut, it may help contribute to prevention and an all-around healthy lifestyle.

Want to heal your gut problems for good? Try our free Leaky Gut Protocol. It’s for anyone who wants to heal their gut problems, as well as stop feeling tired all the time.