Alcohol can have a serious impact on your health over time if you are a moderate to heavy drinker. Alcohol quickly enters the blood stream and is distributed throughout the body, affecting the brain and other internal organs. The familiar reactions of slurred speech, memory loss and difficulty walking in a straight line makes for much laughter at the time of drinking, but isn’t doing your body any favours. hangover cureWhile you might have had an unforgettable night out, you forgot just how bad a hangover can be and are asking yourself if it was truly worth that last drink. Your body is in a world of pain as it has been stripped of vital electrolytes, glucose and water. You know you’re in a really bad state the morning after, if you scull litres of water for hours without passing any urine. Your liver is really suffering at this time. The same question has existed throughout the history of man, “what is the cure for this dreaded hangover?”. Unfortunately there is no magic answer or cure, but there are certainly remedies that assist in easing the pain.

Although your primitive, caveman-like instincts really kick in on a hangover and you crave the saltiest, fattiest food you can get your hands on, the best food you can put into your body right now is straight from nature.

Banana and honey shake

Try making a really healthy and naturally sweet smoothie. Potassium is one of the electrolytes you stripped from your body through your big night out. Bananas are packed with potassium, are 75% water and contain high levels of vitamin C and B6, which will assist in neutralising free radicals and  damage done to your liver. Peel and slice a banana into a blender, along with some coconut milk for added taste.

banana and honey shake You can get your craving for saturated fat through the coconut milk. Also blend in some honey which contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals. Have a couple of banana and honey shakes throughout the day to regulate the flow of potassium and other beneficial nutrients.

Milk thistle (liver detox)

Milk thistle is a long standing traditional remedy for those that over-indulge in a few too many alcoholic drinks. While the discovery of alcohol has been around for tens of thousands of years, it’s likely milk thistle has been a cure for a hangover for equally as long. It’s a famous liver detoxer and as alcohols sends your liver into overdrive, you really need to bring things back into balance. The most convenient way to get a hold of milk thistle is by purchasing tablets at your local pharmacy. You can also find milk thistle tea in most popular supermarkets.

When you have a break from drinking you will notice how much easier it is to process thoughts, you feel on top of your game and your head is clear and free from “brain fog”. At least having a hangover makes you appreciate just how good it is to feel healthy.