Science used to believe that conscious control over our autonomous systems was impossible. However, ancient wisdom can show you how to control your heart rate naturally, thus influencing your inmune system, nervous system and many other things like blood pressure and inflammation, through conscious control. Yogis have actually known this for thousands of years!

Lucky for us, our “young modern” science is slowly catching up and now there’s more and more compelling evidence that we can have a direct influence into everything that we used to believe was out of our control, by using simple breathing techniques. No drugs needed!

In this article you will find:

  1. A video of Niraj and Gary, founding fathers of SOMA Breath, showing us how they can accelerate and slow down their heart rate consciously.
  2. The reasons why it’s important to know this and what is going on in the body when we do this
  3. HOW TO DO IT, using simple breathing techniques
  4. The best training available for you to learn how to do this RIGHT, so you can gain control over your health naturally, without the aid of drugs and find a source of extra energy and peace inside that maybe you weren’t aware you had

Evidence Of Conscious Control Over Heart Rate

As you can see in the video, Niraj and Gary brought their heart rate up for more than 20 bpm (Gary actually went up much much more) and then lowered it another 20 bpm, before going back to normal resting pace, in a matter of seconds!!!

Here’s a snap shot of Gary’s Heart Rate at the beginning and end of the exercise. As you can see it starts at 69 bpm (the little number to the right) and he was able to bring it up to 111 bpm in about one minute (The video is sped up).

Control Your Heart Rate NaturallyControl Your Heart Rate Naturally

Here’s a snap shot of Niraj’s Heart Rate. As you can see it starts at 101 bpm, and after he brought it up to 111 bpm,  he was then able to bring it down to 79 bpm in the same time frame.

Control Your Heart Rate NaturallyControl Your Heart Rate Naturally

What Happens When We Learn To Control Our Heart Rate Naturally

As Niraj explains, knowing how to do this, by simply using the power of your breath, could literally liberate you from lots of different prescription medications such as ACE inhibitors, Beta-blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers, Digoxin, etc. The same applies to anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin, Naproxen and
Ibuprofen (Advil).

Also, drugs for anxiety such as Xanax can be avoided by gaining control over our autonomous systems. As an added bonus, you don’t have to worry about side effects!

How to Control Your Heart Rate Naturally

To monitor the speed of your heart you have two options:

  1. Get a Pulse Oximeter, or any kind of Heart Monitoring device
  2. Get used to feeling the pulse of your body from your wrist

breathing exercise anxiety   Control Your Heart Rate Naturally

Bringing your Heart Rate Up

When you bring your heart rate up, you’re actually triggering a small shot of adrenaline in your body. This behaves as a natural anti-inflammatory. If you suffer from any kind of swelling, practicing this for a little, every day, will help you consciously lower the inflammation in your body and control your blood pressure and nervous system, making you resilient to stress. This will also give you a little boost of feel good hormones.


1.) Sit comfortably in an upright position with your back straight. Contract tightly all the muscles you would use when holding in your urine. This means contraction of the sphincter muscles, or the perineum as tight as possible.

2.) Contract as long as you feel comfortable and watch your heart rate go up on your heart rate monitor by around 20-30 BPM. When you relax, you will then observe a drop in heart rate even below your normal resting heart rate for a few minutes as your nervous system has a reset.

3.) If you hold your breath in while you contract your muscles it will enhance the effect and you will also feel a rise in body temperature. You can also close your eyes, lower your head and relax. It is fine to hold your breath here for as long as you feel comfortable, or until you can’t hold it anymore.

Bringing your Heart Rate Down

By lowering the Heart Rate, and as result, Blood Pressure you’re actually replacing many of the drugs meant to slow down the heart. Practicing this everyday will make you much more in control over your emotional states. Over time you can practically become immune to stress. This is great news for people with anxiety attacks and those with faster than normal heart rate.


1.) Sit in a comfortable place.

2.) Take a quick inhalation through your nose or mouth.

3.) Purse your lips and gently breathe the air out of your mouth very slowly as though you are breathing out through a straw. Do not tense your muscles while doing this – be as relaxed as possible.

4.) Imagine as the air is flowing out that a wave of relaxation is flowing down your body from top to bottom.

5.) Repeat the process several times for around 5 – 10 minutes a day. The longer the duration the deeper the effect at lowering your blood pressure and heart rate.


Since there’s so many intricacies involved in the application of these techniques, we recommend you learn how to control your heart rate naturally with the guidance of a Breath Coach. That’s why SOMA Breath was created.

Every Sunday we host a webinar where we discuss in detail how to control your heart rate naturally, through simple breathwork, and much more, so you can take full control over your own health naturally without relying on Pharmaceuticals. As a bonus, these techniques will also help you improve your focus and creativity, accelerating not only your healing, but also the achievement of your goals.

You can register here it’s free.

Much love!
Orlando – Renegade Team