Simple Breathing Technique To Lower Your Heart Rate, Blood Pressure & Reduce Stress In Minutes

What is this method used for?

  1. RELAXATION: Use this method whenever you are feeling anxious or stressed, or simply want a wave of good feelings wash over your mind and body.
  2. GETTING INTO FLOW: It will also help you get more into a calm ‘flow’ state that will help you prepare for an important meeting or event where you need to be relaxed and not stressed.
  3. DIGESTION: You can also use it to help digest your food better as it switches on your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), and switches off your sympathetic (fight or flight), so you can do this before and after eating a meal.
  4. SLEEP: You can also use it before you want to sleep to get to sleep more easier.

How to do the method:

  1. Sit in a comfortable place.
  2. Take a quick inhalation through your nose or mouth.
  3. Purse your lips and gently breathe the air out of your mouth very slowly as though you are breathing out through a straw. Do not tense your muscles while doing this – be as relaxed as possible.
  4. Imagine as the air is flowing out that a wave of relaxation is flowing down your body from top to bottom.
  5. Repeat the process several times for around 5 – 10 minutes a day. The longer the duration the deeper the effect at lowering your blood pressure and heart rate.

To really master this technique, I recommend you actually practice this knowledge with the guidance of a Breath Coach. That’s why SOMA Breath was created.

Every Sunday we host a webinar where we discuss in detail how to do this technique, and much more, to increase the quality of your life, trigger self-healing and accelerate the achievement of your goals.

You can register here. It’s free.

